In ,
(Idxeleven) wrote:
Sorry Jim your pal tipsy is not anonymous any longer
Now that you got that out of your system can the rest of us go back to
our freebanding,keydowns and anarchy?...MN102USA
Go for it. As the proverb goes, those that are too stupid to learn from
history are doomed to repeat it.
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Going on the fifth year in a row of illustrating your incompetence,
ineptness, and impotence, I continue to say: "I call your bluff"....LOL.
You can't get anything right....LOL! It's your nature,,you're a failure
in all you do, say, or touch. Want something F***** up? Give it to Frank
Gillilnad. Want incorrect information?...LOL..Frank Gilliland is your
half-manchild. Need to look at another in order to feel absolutely great
about your life...(snicker),,look no farther than the Failure Frank
Gilliland...HAHAHA! LMAO! Want someone to kick around? Frank is your
best bet? Need someone to laugh at on a regular basis? FRANK GILLILAND
is the choice...mmmmph! Frank the Failure........haha!