In , William Wallace
Frank Gilliland wrote in
In , William Wallace
(AntiKeyclown) wrote in
Mc Campbell, David P, KE4BKF (Extra)
18150 SW 68 Ct Acct 2135
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33331
Previous license class: General
Licensee ID: L00206848
FRN: 0003137783
Issue Date: May 18, 1993
Expire Date: May 18, 2003
Date of last Change: Oct 15, 2001 (License Modified)
Frank dont muddy the water..your first choice in clearwater is correct
That wasn't me. Despite Twisty's rants, I told the truth when I said
that I don't use any aliases. Like I said in an earier post, to assume
that Twisty is the only ham in Florida with that name is a
'twistedhedism' -- the same false logic he used when he incorrectly
identified me as N7VCF.
Sorry frank I thought you had made that post i don't look at the headers
that close like the keyqueens. I figured it was you supplying more info.
That's quite alright. I'm sure there will be more info coming out about him in
the future, and I'll bet some of it will be posted by him under an alias with
the intent to cloud the facts. So be cautious of anything you read from now on.
"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."
---- Twistedhed ----
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