"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message ...
"gw" wrote in message
"Black Cowboy" wrote in message
"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message
It ain't *just* me, bud. You better get used to it and i will
tell you how to keep from getting bothered: Stay OUT of
the 10 Meter band without license and you will never hear from the
It's a win-win situation; you don't
steal frequencies from the hams, and the hams don't listen
for the drivers to operate on 10 Meters. OH, we already
KNOW what "channels" to look for. Tan-fer thar???
Oh My Oh My Oh My! an imaginary "army" of
wannabe hams with no life, patrolling the nation's
I bet 25 Million owners of CB radios are just shaking in fear
at this self-appointed army of wannabe hams! Post some
of your fake "enforcement" letters for us.
well cowboy if you see that idiot following you writing down your
license number just slam on the brakes and make him run into you, then
he will get a ticket, that is of course after some fake anger on your
part because he caused the wreck doncha know. people like him need to
really get a life or turn to another channel...he has to remember the
next time he goes to the store and buys asswhipe, he can be assured
that some trucker , who was talking on 28 , delivered it to gastonia,
rogo d black.....
Gee, I hate to get into an argument, but go back and read what you just
wrote. This wreck your trucking company
just caused now costs the driver and his company BIG bucks, maybe put the
driver in prison for manslaughter,
his family, perhaps, in poverty. Besides, what is slamming on brakes going
to do when the "monitor" is in
FRONT doing the copying? HMMMMMMMMM? You tractor tag # is on the FRONT,
remember? They
don't WANT the trailer #!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
By the time you know the monitor has gotten the numbers, he has already
pulled far ahead. The lawsuits,
mmmmmmMMMMMM!! Lots of witnesses that saw
that tractor slam on brakes for no apparent reason!
$$$$$$$$$$$ Ker-ching!!!!!!
hey oxendine, are you really that dense??? what do you people in
gastonia do for fun anyways??? go to the walmart??? look bud, go put
your dunce cap on , stand in front of the bathroom mirror, suck your
gut in and repeat a hundred times....'i am a nobody......i am a
mudduck, .....i need a life......those letters by my name don't mean a
damn thing.....
and after you finish this assignment go read about the history of the
area you live in and then come back and tell your old uncle gee what
its all abowwowwowout.......