"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message ...
"gw" wrote in message
"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message
.. .
"gw" wrote in message
and after you finish this assignment go read about the history of the
area you live in and then come back and tell your old uncle gee what
its all abowwowwowout.......
Speaking of ignorance,
I know a helluva lot about this area, betcha. That filter
in your car (oil and air) comes for WIX filters (two plants
in town). Got Firestone tires? The tire cord plant was in
Gastonia for 70 years--now located just west of here. Bearings? Timken
Bearing Division, Kings Mtn, NC.
Aircraft engine parts? Pratt & Whitney plant in Gastonia!
And (hold on to your hat) if you are a trucker and drive
a Freightliner, um, it is likely that it was assembled in
Mt Holly, NC --the parts plant is located on I-85! Got friends that work
there at BOTH plants! Battle of Kings Mtn, Revolutionary War, October,
1780, decisive victory for the Patriots. British forces surrendered and
was a major turning point in the War and a resounding slap against
Cornwallis. The Mecklenburg Declaration of
Independence occurred prior to 1776 (I'd have to look
at date). Remember the Charlotte Hornets? That name
goes back to the Revolution, too. Cornwallis's forces
suffered yet another defeat where he called that county
a HORNET'S NEST! That was why the basketball team
was named as it was. ...........we could go on and on.
This area that YOU are so dense and clueless about is a
thriving metro area with mega-buck corporations--particularly banking
insurance. Companies have flocked here because of lower taxes, a good
and plenty of amenities such as convenient Interstates,
airports and recreation for its employees such as sports,
mountains, beaches within a day's reach and boating on
the lakes with which we are well blessed thanks to the
Catawba River.
Try again!! TAN-fer thar?
very good oxendine.....now then since you are a hamster hanging around
a cb radio newsgroup whining about truckers operating on your precious
10 meter bands
Again, YOU are the one that has no clue. Governance of
radio is regulated by Congress in the USA. It is regulated to prevent the
tryanny of mob rule--which the use of radio would become without oversight.
It's because of that we have representatives upon which we VOTE: don't like
a law? Get it changed. Your very demeanor loudly proclaims your lack of
understanding of how radio regulation works, its 'ownership' by the people
(the USA
does not "own" the airwaves) and the reasons why it is divided up into
segments. These regulations make "fences" that keep one group from
interferring with another, or even within the same group. Like it or not,
neither you or I have a "right" to operate a radio; it is a
privilege accorded by the governing bodies of nations. Some nations severely
restrict use of radio by its citizens,
or allow none at all. Just for getting caught in possession
of a radio could get one hauled off to jail or executed! Here, in the USA,
we are lucky enough to have a Repre-
sentative Republic (it is NOT a 'democracy' as many mistakenly call it). Our
Congress has seen fit to regulate it
thru the Communications Act of 1934 which created FCC. That is because it
is realized thru past experience
what happens when people can just operate anyway, anyhow, and in any way
they chose. All you gotta do is
just listen to the CB (SQUEAL, HOWL, YOWL, WAH!) caused by thousands of
signals beating against each other. No training, no regulation, no
no knowing why CB continually self-destructs itself on
a daily basis. Believe it or not, it was not always that way. Yes, there
was 'skip', but people didn't try to use it
to any great extent. They didn't have all those annoying,
beeps, squeaks, burps and babyish noises; no need for it. None of the
infantile "cutesy" sayings ("keep the sunny
side up and the flat side down", etc.) No "swang", no "pills", no "SWRs
(plural)", no "ya gotta have a 'certain' length of coax"--just people using
the radio to conduct local personal affairs, keep up with family, run
errands, and talk with friends. GASP! What a concept! Courtesy
was the order of the day. In the late '60s, CB radio WAS
a pleasure. Around here, there were clubs that sponsored dances, raffles,
collected money for sick and
shut-ins. You could see "coffee breaks" on the highway,
and everyone bent over backwards to be a neighbor and
a friend via CB radio. It was what CB radio was originallly supposed to be:
everyman's affordable 'car' phone. What it morphed into is now a nightmare
noise, amplifiers, overmodulated, noise toy-ed free-for-alls. It a game to
feed under-fulfilled egos by being top
dog with mo' powah. It is almost a paralysis.
which incidentally belong to the people and not just
you or the government and since now that you have those letters by
your name ,
you align yourself with this said government
We ALL are the government by representation; if you don't like a law, get it
changed thru legal, civil means. That is why Amateurs have ARRL to
intercede and lobby
on behalf of "hammies" as you like to say.
'deputized' to seek out those
dastardly truckers operating on 10 meters, well sir in my book that
makes you and the rest of your little stupid crew as nothing more than
a bunch of major league rats, who haven't got anything better to do
OK. If that is what you want to call it, FINE! Like it or
not, those of who chose to obtain a license did so thru the
legal means set up by our people--the representatives, the
CONGRESS. I have used this before but it seems not to
be simple for those of lighter minds to grasp. Those self-same lighter minds
would grab their guns and yell, "YOU
GIT OFF MY LAND 'FER I CALL THE LAW" or "Yer fixin' to git shot". Why, the
very idea of them guys fishin' my lake, yeah, the one *I* stocked with
I bought that land, or I leased it, and in so doing, obtained
the legal privileges that go with it--to have, to hold, to use as I see fit.
And, of course, they would not hesitate to
"rat" to the police anyone found trespassing on their land.
Yet those same minds cannot grasp that, despite any argument to the
contrary, that there are "properties" both
tangible and IN-tangible, and there are laws/regulations to
protect ALL, NOT just those who want to steal from others. Those "hamsters"
'paid' the *lease*, as it were,
by fulfilling the requirements of the entities charged with
protecting all citizens--not just CBers, or truckers, or lawless bandits
(who have no "rights"--they are THIEVES no less than a bank robber).
Remember the
group you so disdain--Congress? That group of repre-
sentatives YOU elected, the gub'ment? We is them and
they is US!!!!!!!!! Don't like it? Change it!
So, just like if you were found camping in someone's back yard, those who
"paid" the lease to use the Amateur
Bands are not going to sit idly by and allow squatters to
just invite themselves in. Just like the property owner with the pistol,
assisting the FCC in monitoring for illegal bands is NO different, and we
are no more "rat" than
you would be if *I* were digging a hole in your yard with
a backhoe without permission.
also check the cb slang at the door. i never knew anyone that talked
like that.
HAHAHAHAHA! I don't even need to justify that: it bears witness itself. All
ya gotta do is listen--just listen
for 5 minutes.
Y'all take ca'uh, yuh heah?
freekin cross-dresser