Jerry wrote (to GW):
Again, YOU are the one that has no clue. Governance of radio is regulated by
Congress in the USA. It is regulated to prevent the tryanny of mob
rule--which the use of radio would become without oversight.
Bull. I was a ham operator (still am) before I got into CB - and the world
didn't end when the FCC gave up on trying to enforce laws requiring licensing,
callsigns, not working skip, etc. by CBers. (As a matter of fact, I doubt how
many CBers - or hams - under 30 even know that CB once required a license.)
It's because of that we have representatives upon which we VOTE: don't like
a law? Get it changed.
You don't get it. The end of licensing for CB wasn't forced by people
writing congressmen - but the same way blacks (and Indians) got civil rights:
massive civil disobedience.
No training, no regulation, no
self-control, no knowing why CB continually self-destructs itself on
a daily basis.
CB is very little used up here in the central North Carolina area. The days
of a CB antenna on every car trunk are long over. Any problem with CB vanished
with them; I hear damn little on Ch. 19 driving in various places between
Raleigh and Winston.
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