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Old December 9th 03, 07:47 AM
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"Jerry Oxendine" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote in message
"Jerry Oxendine" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote in message
"Jerry Oxendine" wrote:

Paranoid much, Jerry?
"Jerry Oxendine" wrote:
And if I catch some bird on
a scooter taking pictures, he better not be on my land!
He comes down my driveway snooping, he just might get
his (*censored*) kicked.

Different when you're the camera target? You might be sucking
too many diesel fumes, after following those Kenworth's so much.

Nah, Read the part about me getting around so much chasing those
trucks. I thought it was funny.

As to the HOA thing, I live in a quiet, deadend street where only
occasional cars strays when lost. All of us know something is amiss

car comes down and remains in here (we know who's cars 'belong' here
and who doesn't). And we have the proverbial nosy neighbor, the
"widder" woman that lives at the very end of the street. She'll
scream for the cops faster than you can say SCAT! So, if there were
someone down here taking pictures. she would take care of it FOR me.

If you must have neighbors, it's nice to have good ones. The old
lady down the road owns like 400 acres around me, and she's just
like you said..radar betty. Gawd love her, she's a trip!

Yep, tell you a little short one about my neighbor. She
is not exactly dottering, but she is a trip. One day, I went out to get
my leaf rake under the carport, and it was missing. Hmmmm, I thought I
hung it up on the wall??
A search ensued; no rake. I figured someone had stolen it
and forgot about it. Few days later, I heard a noise and
perceived movement out in my carport. Here came the
old "widder" hanging up the rake that she conveniently forgot to ask for.
So THAT's how things had been dis-
appearing! Soon after I purchased a barn shed (one of
those storage sheds sold everywhere). I hung up my tools
up out in the shed and locked the door--not because I
was trying to stop *her* from lifting my yard tools, but to
get them out of the way and in some sort of order. Again, I was
downstairs and heard a noise/saw motion thru the basement window. There
stood a very perp-lexed lady looking at the empty hook where the rake
used to stay! She was welcome to use my tools when I
wasn't using them, I just want her to ASK rather than
just help herself!

And she takes her trash out and dumps in MY roll-out
garbage can instead of using her own! I don't care so long
as she doesn't fill it so that I can't get my own in there.

Heh, that's some funny ****. You should of traced where the
rake was with a sharpie..J/K This eccentric old land barron
down the road from me, still has both daughters living at home.

These -girls- are both 45+, and have never left the nest. They're
both uglier than a mud fence, but they love my wife and I, and we
enjoy their strange company.

The old lady is 82, and I watched her shew a bull back to his
stall with nothing but a stick and a grain bucket! She's still
full of **** and vinegar. Her old man is long gone, but he bought
major acreage in the 40's out here. She subs some of it to the
local farmers to pay the property taxes.

She still gets the recipe! (white lightning)