Is my radio busted?
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December 13th 03, 04:01 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
In ,
(Saigoncal1) wrote:
Hi all,
I've got this CB radio that came with my truck and it's never worked. I finally
got around to checking out all the connections earlier today and everything
seems to be hooked up okay -- antennas, battery, etc.. It'll receive -- barely
-- but won't transmit. A buddy tested it out with his radio from the other side
of the driveway and the signal came through clear, but he couldn't hear me. It
came with the truck, so for all I know it's been busted the whole time, but I
don't know for sure. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks everyone.......
Sounds like either you have no antenna, a bad coax, or your radio is toast. Some
things seem obvious but can easily be overlooked:
1. Is there a CB antenna on the truck? Check to see if the threads are rusted or
corroded. Make sure the coax connection to the antenna mount is clean and proper
(not just twisted on the mount or hooked up with wire-nuts).
2. Is it the CB antenna that is hooked up to the CB? You might have two coax
cables installed, for whatever reason.
3. Check the coax cable. Is it worn, pinched, or have any sharp bends? Has it
been spliced? Does it look like it has been there for awhile? If so, replace it.
If everything checks ok and it still doesn't work, it's most likely your radio.
If you don't want to go through all that hassle, just take the radio to a CB
shop and have them check it out. But if the radio works, or if it doesn't work
but you plan to get another one, then you need to go through the hassle anyway.
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