Thread: Bye Bye CW
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Old December 15th 03, 02:37 AM
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On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 07:52:07 GMT, "Hamguy" wrote:

Just because my Great Grandfather had to 'crank start' his car, we should
ALL have to learn how to do it prior to driving. And his wife had to use a
'crank style' telephone, therefore we ALL should have to master that
technology PRIOR to using a cell-phone just because they did. Additionally,
we should ALL have to learn the computer language known as 'Basic' or
'Fortran' PRIOR to using a PC because I and so many others had to learn it.
And EVERYONE should be required to learn an antiquated mode known as CW
before they get on HF because some 18th century guy invented it. Either
catch-up with the times, or get the HELL out of the way! Like it or not,

CW has been as good as dead for years. Only the delusional
or in many cases senile amateurs think that a CW requirement
can actually benefit amateur radio in the long run.

Some believe that a CW requirement is a good filter, but CW itself
is a backward step in time. A more current, and better filter would
be a higher technical test standard that would include the newer
technologies. It should not be a cake walk. If the argument is to
filter the undesirables then technical testing should be the filter
and should be repeated every few years for all current amateurs.

Only that way can you truly filter the undesirables. The drunks, the
sour old men, and the senile idiots that ruin amateur radio today.

P.S. I have no problem with voluntary CW use.

they should form a niche for the cw users and note it on the license
with an asterik or some sort of identifier. if people really want to use
cw then they can fly the badge...