jim wrote in message
Dave Hall wrote:
Kelly and Robert wrote:
Is anyone willing to get a real cb newsgroup started? I'm sure there are
many of you that are.. Later
What would be the point? The people who have wrecked this newsgroup,
would soon overrun any new one.
not true dave. there was a yahoo group dedicated to cb but it went to sleep
There still are a couple of Yahoo groups for CB, both in use... but they are
not newsgroups. The difference is that the trolls and spammers are soon
evicted, which cannot be done on the newsgroups.
The trolls do not overrun any CB group. Some groups are too quiet for them,
but others just ignore them or tell them to shut up, and leave it at that.
They still post the odd troll message to the UK group, but it gets even less
response than the stupid "bush" type cross-posted trolls get. So, they come
back here to feed... look at how long a troll thread keeps going here.