In , "Brainbuster"
Frank Gilliland wrote in message ...
In , "Brainbuster"
... look at how long a troll thread keeps going here.
Yes, they do get long. And your name can be found repeatedly in most
You say "most"... how about some figures to prove that claim.
Ok, you asked for it......
Out of the last 53 posts by "Brainbuster" (that's you) in the google archives,
here are the troll threads you posted in, and the number of times you posted in
A new record for AKC..... (1)
new cb ng? (5)
Troll List (4)
KC8QJP: Tax Fraud? (2)
A new record for Twisty..... (4)
Geogina - queen of the piles... (2)
Look at it another way... (5)
Truce? (3)
Where's "Dave or Debby" (2)
Hey Chimp brutha (1)
Re; great radio sites (1)
This Anti guy stuff is sickening...... (1)
Wishful thinking (1)
Help stop some of the troll fodder (2)
And for honorable mention, there are a couple non-troll threads that were
trolled and you jumped right in:
how many cb channels are there? (1)
HR2510 Info (1)
So out of 53 posts you posted 44 times in troll threads and participated in two
more troll exchanges. That means 86.8% of your posts are in response to trolls.
You, Peterbuster, are a sucker.
I thought not, so I will look at my cache...
My cache shows me in a total of 14 out of 191 threads in this newsgroup.
I don't know about your definition of "most"... but it doesn't fit in with
the English meaning of the word.
Maybe, maybe not. But it -is- consistent with the facts.
What is your problem - English language, basic math, or just an inability to
tell the truth. It has to be one of the three.
You, on the other hand, post in more troll threads than I post in any type
of thread on this group.
The difference, dear Peterbuster, is that I never claimed I didn't.
You really should check the figures and look in the mirror before shouting
your mouth off.
Physician, heal thyself.
"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."
---- Twistedhed ----
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