Frank Gilliland wrote in message ...
In , "Brainbuster"
Frank Gilliland wrote in message ...
Yes, they do get long. And your name can be found repeatedly in most
You say "most"... how about some figures to prove that claim.
Ok, you asked for it......
new cb ng? (5)
How is a thread about CB groups a troll thread... is this not a CB group?
I'll bet you prefer the "gay" type posts.
It seems like a serious issue to me, and I gave a serious reply.
Troll List (4)
You mean where I talk about promoting legal CB, after I was
mentioned in the thread?
I see - legal CB is a troll subject, but "gay" issues are fine with you.
KC8QJP: Tax Fraud? (2)
Oh yes, the one where I reply to the question...
Hey Brainbuster, any comment
You consider replying to a post directed at ME, asking ME a question
is "trolling"... but you can dive in and whine at me when I have not
bothered you.
A new record for Twisty..... (4)
Geogina - queen of the piles... (2)
Look at it another way... (5)
Truce? (3)
The idea of getting this group back to CB topics seems to bother you.
Where's "Dave or Debby" (2)
It was a simple question about where a fellow CBer has gone to.
Of course, to you, topics about CB or CBers are trolling.
A new record for AKC..... (1)
Hey Chimp brutha (1)
Re; great radio sites (1)
This Anti guy stuff is sickening...... (1)
Wishful thinking (1)
How is 1 post in a thread "repeatedly"?
Help stop some of the troll fodder (2)
I can see how much the idea of people stopping the trolling bothers you.
I still only count 15 threads, even though they are not all troll threads.
However, take out the ones about CB, CBers, using this CB group for CB
topics, and the ones with just one post (they do not justify your use of the
word "repeatedly") - and you have very little left.
You prove my point... your use of the word "repeatedly" for a single
message was rather massaging the truth, but using the word "most"
was nothing more than a lie, just as calling a CB topic in a CB
group "trolling" is a lie.
I do believe that the idea of this group being less of a warzone and more
of a CB group scares some people sh*tl*ss.
You, on the other hand, post in more troll threads than I post in
any type of thread on this group.
The difference, dear Peterbuster, is that I never claimed I didn't.
I never claimed that you didn't, either.
You do seem to love the troll posts and arguments. But it still does
not justify you calling threads about CB or CBers troll threads or troll
posts just to massage figures. At least I stated where CB
messages were killfiled because they were not of interest to me
(such as for sale threads)... I didn't claim them to be troll posts to
boost the figures, even for your posts.
I'll tell you what. As you whine so much about me responding to trolls who
direct messages and questions at me (albeit once you know that I have
killfiled them), that seems to just leave just one more.
Take that big stick from near your door, and put it by the computer. You
can then shake it at the computer when you get angry. If you want to whine
to someone, tell it to Socko, I won't be listening.
Happy Christmas, Frank.