"Brainbuster" wrote:
Steveo wrote in message ...
Of course that depends on your server's text retention too. This
one runs around 180 days on average. My binarie retention is
much less than that, but they offers -great- completion, and 50 GB/
month for cheap. ( that's major completetions/bandwidth)
ps..how long does it take my post to propagate to you?
This was posted at 7:06 EST.
I believe that my server usually retains about a month, as many do. I
know that the MS servers have a long retention, I think close to a year
in some cases.
As I only go on-line to collect and post the messages, I do not see when
a message appears on my server.
All I can tell you is what is in the header...
Date: 21 Dec 2003 00:06:56 GMT
Which will be when you composed it, stuck there by your system and my
newsreader is saying 00:06 (relating to GMT), which I suspect will be the
time your server got it.
I know it does not take long, like Google does.
Merry Christmas.
So you read your news offline for the most part.
Happy Holidays.