Brainbuster wrote:
jim wrote in message
Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup wrote:
A ham callsign has no meaning in a cb newsgroup???It has been pointed
out here many times by the keyclowns there are hams who are also cbers
and the only difference between ham and cb is just a peice of paper so
dont try that BS in here brainbluster.
Hi Jim.
Sure, their reaction is rather strange... and it fails to give a reason why
someone should assume that anything used by a CBer on a CB newsgroup must be
a "Ham" callsign - even when, as they admit, there is no such Ham callsign.
But, as it seems that they believe that an Amateur licence has some meaning
to the CB radio service, and I know that some CB and Ham rules are different
over there (such as you being allowed more power than us Brits), maybe you
could clear up a few matters for me (and possible them)...
what are the power limits for the cb operators in england? does wales,
scotland & n. ireland follow along?
Does an American Amateur licence allow the holder:
1. To use more power on CB than a non-Ham can?
2. To use more CB channels than a non-Ham?
3. To use the "splits" or "alpha channels" as CB channels?
4. To use his Amateur radio to transmit on the CB band?
5. More rights to any CB frequency than a non-Ham CBer has?
Or does it make the person:
1. Obliged to give their Amateur callsign when using a CB radio?
2. A "radio cop" with the rights to harrass non-Ham CBers?
3. Lord and Master over non-Ham CBers?
Because if, like here in the UK, the Ham licence holding CBer is bound by
the same rules as a non-Ham CBer... then the licence has no meaning on CB.
And, as this is a CB newsgroup, it has no meaning here. If someone wishes
to use it to identify themself, just as a "Social Security" or "National
Insurance" number would, that is up to them. There could be 1000s of people
with the same name, but a Ham callsign refers to just one person in the
One thing it does do, is allow people to look you up at sites like "qrz",
and use the info to harass them, send them something used and nasty in the
mail, 'phone them at all hours just to anoy them, or even turn up at their
door. For that reason, I fail to see the appeal of giving ones callsign out
on newsgroups.
giving the call on amateur ng's would make sense. here its who gives a
flying f at a rolling doughnut if one posts the call, as it should be...
Happy Christmas.
Prosperus new year to you...