"CB 883" wrote in message
Stop jamming truckers on channel 19 !
Don't you know linear amps. are illegal?
?????????? I need a little help on that one; it doesn't make sense. I don't
"listen" to truckers on channel 19--
unless there is a traffic tie-up and I need to see which lane
is best. I wouldn't "jam" truckers, or anyone else for that
matter. Got no time for such foolishness; such activity is
immature childs play.
Now. I WILL listen for truckers that stray onto 28 MHZ
and bootleg on the frequencies. I WILL operate on 10 Meters with the power
that is authorized to me if necessary to establish and maintain contact I
WILL run
fast CW right over the top of them ignoring their attempts
to operate unlicensed. (No, it is NOT "illegal" to "interfere" with stations
whose transmissions are not legal
to start with--Just ask Riley H, the FCC attorney.)
Bother the truckers running their radios on the band they
have every privilege to do so? Operate ANY radio station knowingly,
illegally? Run an amp of the CB
band? Nope. There's better things to do than to mess with the CB service.
"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message
Just to show that all hams aren't frumpy, grumpy old men,
take a peek at this!!! LOL! www.qrz.com/callsign.
Then type in KK6NN in the "callsign block". All I can
(We can take a break from all the fighting once in awhile,
can't we?)