A message for steveo
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December 30th 03, 02:55 AM
Posts: n/a
(twistedhed) wrote:
Steveo wrote in message
Steveo wrote:
(twistedhed) wrote:
In your tagline, the word heirecy or however you spell it is
supposed to be spelled "heresy".
Yea, I changed it and then dropped it, thanks.
You could look it up, but since the AKC is
never wrong why bother?
****heds Lord and Master
Is my tag line spelled rightly now!? ha!
No, you forgot to add the following to your tagline: "Prepared by a
faggot ass dick sucker who uses an amplifer to emotionally make up for
his needle dick and pea sized brain"
Only a repeater jammer would call a Collins 30 L1 a penis extension.
Maybe someday you'll be able to afford the toys and land that I have.
doubt it
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