Ecallaw Mailliw wrote:
3. Steveo spanked - IN PROGRESS
4. GW spanked - IN PROGRESS
5. More auctions of keyclown gear on Yahoo
and Ebay ratted out - IN PROGRESS
6. safe for non-keyclownz - IN PROGRESS
7. Gayness and related keyclown
unnatural sex activity in NG halted - IN PROGRESS
Keep bragging like you actually know how to do anything, and you will end
up inviting 5,000 trolls to the group just to test you. And they will
change newsreaders more often than you change underwear (there are tens of
thousands of free news servers). In fact, they will use anonymous remailers
that do type II mixmaster; which cannot be traced. All you will do is
expose yourself as being a usenet neophyte ****ing against a wall. These
folks will find your IP and e-mail, and spam you so often and ping you so
much that you will hide under your bed. I am not daring you to take folks
like that on, just giving you a heads up.
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