Jan Panteltje wrote:
On a sunny day (Sat, 27 Mar 2004 06:40:02 GMT) it happened "R. Steve Walz"
wrote in :
But everyone knows that if Jerusalem goes, Mecca, Medina, Teheran,
Islamabad and a half dozen other Moslem cities get nuked.
When I look at hthis statement closer, you see that now we have
lost Baghdad, and if teh US 'frees' ahum more Islam countries z(say keeps
pushing Iran, the currwent CIA operations in Siria, everytime the balance
for a Israeli targets for a 'strike back' decreases.
Lowwer threshold.
People who have nothing to lose do NOT go by any rules.
Their lives are still important to most of them, the number who become
suicidal over political causes is actually rather small. If we simply
blew the **** out of whatever family home and neighborhood that the
latest suicide bomber came from, these attacks would stop. Most of
the allure to brainwashing kids to carry bombs is lost when their folks
contemplate retaliation directly upon their own head. The Russians
have learned how to deal with Arabs, ask them! Promising and then
carrying out the napalming of errant neighborhoods without any
apology whatsoever would end this in nothing flat. There's absolutely
nothing whatsoever wrong with genocide if it is not intended as such,
as with the Nazi's, but incidental to the purpose, as with Eisenhower.
Always make it strictly conditional, if you do this, we will do more
of that, and we will always escalate ten-fold and upon civilians!!!
A people is utterly responsible for those who lead and represent them
and how they do so, even down to their very children!
IMO Bush Jr want, before he leaves offcide, a worldwide fire started.
This to help his weaopon producing friends.
Same as Vietnam was for no reason at all....
So he may light middle east, China Taiwan, or both, or something else.
Here is a mirror for the US.
Its ugly.
Agreed, Bush at alia, but there are many others who know better,
which was how Vietnam stopped. On the other hand, we need weapons,
we simply need to use them a bit differently.
But on the other hand, humanity has always been that way.
The beauty in it is it makes the species strong, PROVIDED there are
Nawh, I don't buy it, our nature depends far more on culture now
than genetics. It doesn't matter whether a suicide bomber is
a congenital idiot.
But it would be more beautiful if people could live in peace.
We do have, as humans, a brain that alows us to view the world from
the others perspective.
Maybe we should put energy into making people use that part.
It requires, firstly, that we either do away with, or terrify any
who would breach the peace of the world. That requires an ugly but
actually very civilized demeanor, one that will not tolerate disorder
and will not bother apologizing to anyone.
People are not perfected by appealing to them, they are perfected by
their neighbors not tolerating their deviant abusive bull**** anymore.
When they finally always get it worse than they give, they ****ing
stop, and not until!
-Steve Walz
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