"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message ...
"Richard Cranium" wrote in message
I believe I DO remember the conversation ! (See there,
I told you I would admit it) and I *think* it had to do with
using the Galaxys and Connex's on the regular 40. (now
since I don't have the correct text, I think (?????) I was
trying to say that if you use the Galaxy and other export rigs within the 40
channels you would not be likely to run afoul of FCC in light of the
current emphasis on 10 Meter incursions. I don't even think the fed is even
concerned with the activity within the 40 channels so long as that
activity doesn't call attention to it. Usually it happens when a neighbor
OH well, whatever I said, I didn't mean to encourage
using ham equipment on the CB bands, etc etc. I hope
you can find that thread; I'd like to read it myself to see
what trouble I've got myself into! LOL!
It took some digging, but I finally located the thread. The message in
question was dated October 17, 2003.
And I may have overstated your comment; what you said was that you
had no objection to people using modified amateur radios on CB as long
as they stayed out of the ham bands , which is quite different from
"encouraging" people to use them. Mea culpa.