Give me your phone number, I'll call you with my credit
card number.
Robert The Bruce wrote:
OK its time to put up or shut for the first
time anywhere I am offering any keyclown the
chance to find out who is george or if george
is real or who the hell is the true identity of
the person who is the object of all this controversy
and strife. All you need do is send me a $1000
Paypal payment and as soon as I receive it I
will email you a jpeg of my driver license. Quick
and easy there is no fuss no muss just the real
truth, but the catch is, the truth is not free.
Keyclowns will be shocked and awed by the
proven fact that I am not WA3MOJ and you can
be the one to clear this up yes it can be your
chance to know the real deal. Just $1000 does
it, lets hear it for any takers.
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Le : Tue Jan 6 00:15:56 2004 depuis l'IP : [VIP