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Old January 6th 04, 04:55 AM
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"Illegal Cbers Go Nuts" wrote in message

"Robert The Bruce" wrote in message
For your information.

Illegal CBers are targeting random ham callsigns
such as WA3MOJ and forging them on Usenet
newsgroups. WA3MOJ is not now or has not ever
posted on Usenet but the forgers have an axe to
grind against anyone who complains about illegal
radio operation so they post callsigns of people
who they think are against them.

You may be next these cb outlaws will stop at
nothing including threats and harassment.

Attention All: the person posting as
is not wa3moj. Who is doing it is most likely tim nebo
aka Tim Nebout, a drug dealer and freebander from
LaMarque Texas who bootlegs on the 6 mhz aircraft
comm band and also on ham bands without a license.
If it is not Tim it is Steve Parks of Medina Ohio or Mark
Beck of Fremont California. Also a person known only
as "GW" aka Randall of Texas is doing the forging. And
there leader Twistedhed aka Dave McCampbell of
Clearmwater Florida encourages them and gives them
instructions on harassment of hams including using
their call signs on "freeband".

Yes, believe an extra class ham, that trolls
RRCB, use's vile vulgar language, harasses, forges,
changes nics to by pass kill file filters, out right lies.

foul language, forgery, posting under different accounts in an effort to
harass those against Illegal CB, and last but not least a know proven
transexual. yes a good look at Landshark's posting history which goes way
back to the mid 90's will reveal just how this guy operates.

Oh Christ George, be a man and admit it, you
put you're foot in your mouth one to many times.

I got this email from SBC after using the screen
nic of
now you might be able
to convince the pet dog, but most people now
are on top your trolling ways.

Received: from by vmk with SMTP; Mon, 1 Dec 2003
14:07:26 -0500
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: from ( [])
by (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id hB1J6vcw201648
for ; Mon, 1 Dec 2003 14:07:19 -0500

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 13:04:24 -0600 (CST)

Subject: Warning - Posting to Newsgroups
From: Prodigy Abuse Department


This is a WARNING NOTICE from the SBC Internet Services (SBCIS) Policy
department, regarding abusive, offensive and/or harassing emails/postings
sent from your SBCIS account.

It has been brought to our attention that you are posting on the internet
newsgroups with a known AOL user as you're account information

Said individual has forwarded a complaint concerning these posts.

Be advised it is a violation of our Terms of Service
( Acceptable Use Policy
( to use our service to email
or post, threatening, abusive, obscene, hateful, or otherwise objectionable

If additional complaints are received concerning your SBCIS account, it will
be TERMINATED, and you may incur an early termination fee.

The SBCIS Policy Department

Ramble on, but everyone has seen through your
BS trolling.

Here are some of the screen nics used for only a
little over a couple of months and the amount of posts
made to just RRCB.

Crab trap 12

Prozac 70


World Wide Prozac 28

Reptile 43

Whiskey 55

The Chosen one 54

Capn jack 21

Badabing 210

Crybaby 18

Deepbluesea 8

Helmet sweeny 16

Voobie Brutha 28

Mugabi 12

China grove 20

Smooth criminal 10

3 stooges 5

Chocolate Thunder 16

Crap Shooter 8

Davemade1 10

Gay wad in sf 13

Green Hornet 11

Green Mamba 11

Hymen Liqur 2

KiloWatt Kid 55

Humphrey 13

LandsharkSuxs 4

Man child 12

Mother Load 12

New world order 5

No Fear 12

Old Man in Pa 28

One of Three 14

Piggly wiggly 3

Popeye 48

Proffesor smokes 6

Przacholic 48

Read em 16

Rotec 7

The Black Dragon 19

Uncle fester 90

Warlord 9

3-500zees 99

Beer Bottle 67

Riddler 2

Hans Von Gruber 18



Some 1061 posts