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Old January 8th 04, 09:22 PM
Posts: n/a

On 8 Jan 2004 20:10:02 GMT, Sir Walter Raleigh

Lancer wrote:
On Thu, 08 Jan 2004 12:57:39 -0600, Johhny Walker Black

Lancer wrote in

On 8 Jan 2004 17:12:48 GMT, Sir Walter Raleigh

I did I offered you assholes a chance to see my
drivers license but sorry this kind of quality
entertainment doesnt come free it will cost you
$1000 and I had set up a Paypal account for it
to go through but you keyclowns cried and whined
that you wont pay money. I bet you steal cable TV
too and sneak into concerts under the fence like
a theif. Well what can I say you had the chance and
you blew it now the offer still stands though the price
has gone up $2000.

I have asked you several times for the paypal
info, where is it?

Do you have a verified paypal account?
Provide your verified paypal email
address and we will send the request
for money to that address. If the
e-mail address you send is not PayPal
verified, No transaction. These are
the rules either play by them or whine
like a sissy.

Sorry Pal, you said you don't have an AOL account.
My discussion was with the guy from the AOL
account. If thats not you, quit answering
for him.

If you have a verified paypal account post or
email your verified paypal email address
and we will send the request for money to
that address. If the e-mail address you
send is not PayPal verified, No transaction.
You asked for Paypal info you got it right
here no excuses, so now worm your way
out of this one assclown

Article poste via Voila News -
Le : Thu Jan 8 21:10:01 2004 depuis l'IP : [VIP 532284301978]

My address is in my header, so now you worm your way out.

Do you remember what and how much we agreed on?