Thread: Where's JJ?
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Old January 12th 04, 03:09 PM
Richard Cranium
Posts: n/a

JJ wrote in message ...
Richard Cranium wrote:

Steveo wrote in message ...

I haven't seen any post from JJ lately, hope he's ok.

From what I've read, he's hiding from people he's burned. I could be
wrong, of course (it's happened once or twice before). Check for more details.

You read wrong dickieboy, but then what else is new. Maybe you need to
go back to that group and figure out which JJ you are talking about.

No, I read what was there, which included your email address. Maybe
you should go back to that group and read what was posted. Maybe it
was correct, maybe it wasn't; I'd have no way of knowing. If you can
read, you'll notice that I even allowed that I could be wrong.

Steveo asked a question and I tried to give an answer. You project a
very bad attitude for someone that's innocent. Feeling the heat for
some reason? One can only wonder.