"Jerry Oxendine" wrote in message .. .
"Dennis12Amplify" wrote in message
I can't believe this message board is still 'haunted' by the same few bad
apples after so much time has gone by............
I just read the last 10 or 15 days of postings, and this news group is as
or worse than when I left it.
Well, for the old timers out there; an update:
I retired from Lucent after 37 years (to avoid being laid off and to
my retirement medical benefits before they reduced the retiree health plan
options again).
I finally had time to do some travelling and went to Sturgis for the
time this year. Aside from Stugis, I have been spending most of my time
and just riding my motorcycles; neither of which I can do in this COLD
which is why I decided to check in on the old newsgroup again.
To supplement my income I have been doing contract engineering for a
electronics place. Since I get paid by the finished job, I can come and
go as
I please with no set schedule, and I really like that.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Dennis W. Ostrowski
I don't know if you would remember me, but I just wanted to say welcome to
retirement! It's FUN, ain't it!!
Like you, I kinda got forced out in 2000, and looked upon the future with
dread. I worked all my life from the
age of 15 and couldn't envision not having a job to go to
or a "clock" to punch. I discovered a couple of things:
1) I am more busy than EVER, and (2 it is nice to get up in the morning and
have to option of doing or not
doing. I can get up in the AM, make a pot of coffee, and
go downstairs and tinker in my radio shack/shop, if the
weather is bad (snow, ice, rain), I don't have to go out in it. No traffic
to fight, no wear and tear on my car commuting.
The downside is that everyone now says, "OH! You can
do this little "favor" for me." or "How 'bout doing...........
you're retired and have nothing to do". Boy, ain't that a joke! There's
ALWAYS something to do.
But right now, I think I'll run up to a friend's shop and go to lunch!
retired kind of early didn't ya jerry???