RF-Hacker fun with the drive-thru window
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January 13th 04, 11:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Courtesy of the local high power CB'er. The
problem became so bad that the FCC allowed
local enforcement.
"W. Pshlex" wrote in message
"Eddie Haskel" wrote in message
(The local Police DO NOT have jurisdiction over ANY use of radio, this
is a federal area.)
Not true anymore! In many large cities, there
are special "Radio Inspector Divisions" =A0 with
full authority.
W. Pash
You're both wrong. While I agree there are those who respond to such
complaints, no city in the US has what you called a "Radio Inspector
Division." You will not find a single city that created a position or
has a position that exists solely for such cb or hammie radio activity
and related complaints.
Freddy, even the hammie organizations are in agreement that the feds
abdicated their responsiblity in regards to cb radio. Hell, many think
they abdicated their responsiblility to hammie radio also, judging by
the manner in which they are so eager to auction off
my,,er,,yours,,,umm, OUR frequencies. It's not about "roblems" Freddy,
and it never was. It's about cold hard ca$h!
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