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Old January 19th 04, 08:38 PM
Dave or Debby
Posts: n/a

DO NOT go to Rats Shack---go to or call a local independent (NOT
corporate) CB SHOP and get a Pro-510 Uniden with an AMERICAN MADE 3'
magnet mount antenna (Hustler or Wilson Brand) and a cig. plug with
wire on it to hook up to your CB.

You are one of the reasons WHY I preach against "hand helds" in the
car! It is a PAIN to use them there and do not work in the car for
nothing! This set up is the best lowest ost one you can get to get a
decent CB with a good antenna. E mail me direct with any other

On 19 Jan 2004 01:10:24 GMT, ojunk (OZARK333) wrote:

From: "daytona"

Looking for a small plug into the cig lighter with mag mount rubber ducky
antenna that can be moved quickly from vehicle to vehicle.....wattage and
distance is not a factor. The hand held we use is very limited and the
permanent mounts take to long to move over and need a larger antenna.
Thanks JB

JB, you will pay more than i would but go
to the local Radio Shack and tell em what
you want. They will have something down
that line. This isnt what i would do but it
suits yoour you can bitch if it
messes up and Tandy is fair on their stuff.

"Got RF?"

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