Were talking CB's here, NOT ham equipment ! Refer your comments to
local commie N8 !
It was the guy on TV last week. DId the book say what he fixes?
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 07:17:35 GMT, "Hamguy" wrote:
Well...since Siltronix/Swan is no longer in business, I guess the only other
American radio is a Ten-Tec or Elecraft. Although a Siltronix 1011-D into a
Swan 1200-X definately kicks ass!
"Dave or Debby" wrote in message
.. .
Has started a movment to BUY AMERICAN ? I heard it in the news the
other day.
He said it would put A LOT of US back to work, and to keep more jobs
I wonder IF he fixes CB's, or what he fixes! DID anyone else hear it?
He BE da MAN !
Will YOU be DA man, by quitting to buy CB's made in RED CHINA, OUR
BE da MAN !!!!!!!!!!
Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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