Skip-shooter wannabeez
Ever wonder why these "Skip-shooter wannabeez" never shut up?!!
"Black man, Black man in the Bayou callin that station up in Love Country
(Virginia), We be tryin'!
They sound so RETARDED when they repeat every sentence 3 - 4 times!!!
Then, this past Saturday night (Jan 17,2004) one of them comes on Ch19 and
harasses the truck drivers tellin' them that "they'd better go tell their
old lady that they ain't gonna work no mo'!"
This retard picked the WRONG trucker to fool with!!
The driver was nailin' that boy's ass with some TRUE knowledge!!!
The boy couldn't find any material to humiliate the truck driver so that boy
went and cried to his "goodbuddies" as well as his "prison-bitch"!!
This is a sad epidemic that has gripped cbers who are talking local.
They should be freed from this ignorance that continues until the FCC gets
off their asses and nails these skip-shooters tawkin on ham radios that have
been modded to CB.
Lord knows that these "skip-shooter wannabeez" will be converging on that
HamFest on February 22, 2004 at the Richmond Showplace on Mechanicsville
Turnpike, in Henrico County, Virginia near I-64 East/West.