Skip-shooter wannabeez
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January 22nd 04, 10:23 PM
Posts: n/a
You don't know MY location;
You really don't need to know MY location!
I don't know your location;
I don't really need to know your location!
Therefore, you need to quit cryin' 'bout me claiming to be from TEXAS!
I never said I was from TEXAS, just because my screen name had TEXAS in it.
It makes an ASS of U and ME!
Though only YOU choose to make an ASS of yourself!
The other person is still laughing at you not with you!!!!!!!
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Ever wonder why these "Skip-shooter
wannabeez" never shut up?!!
Your slip is showing.
"Black man, Black man in the Bayou callin that
station up in Love Country (Virginia), We be
If you heard him,,,he is no longer trying. You are upset with yourself
for contributing to his success. Direct your anger appropriately.
They sound so RETARDED when they repeat
every sentence 3 - 4 times!!!
And the gun to your head by the lowly cbers making you listen jsut won't
go away.
Then, this past Saturday night (Jan 17,2004)
one of them comes on Ch19 and harasses the
truck drivers tellin' them that "they'd better go
tell their old lady that they ain't gonna work no
This retard picked the WRONG trucker to fool
Like you and your claim of being in Texas, and everything else you are
schooled on in this forum.
The driver was nailin' that boy's ass with
some TRUE knowledge!!!
Sounds to me like he was nailin' your psyche with a couple of
The boy couldn't find any material to humiliate
the truck driver so that boy went and cried to
his "goodbuddies" as well as his
Lie you failing with your shifting aliases...LOL...good show.
This is a sad epidemic
I wknow your selfesteem has taken a severe battering, but I wouldn't go
as far as referring to yourself as an epidemic. An epidemic is tough to
get a cure needs no cure for yoursefl,,,you're an
underground impotent that can only talk anger...nuthin' else.
that has gripped cbers who are talking local.
You really have some compulsion there to lie, young man. In what city
(you are always caught lying) do you claim these cbers talk local on
channel 19? Ahh never mind,,,no one believes you now, any way.
They should be freed from this ignorance that
continues until the FCC gets off their asses
and nails these skip-shooters tawkin on ham
radios that have been modded to CB.
LOL...well why don't you try and do something instead of preaching your
impotent reactions? Get proactive instead of reactive,,,and someone may
take pity upon your lowly self and assist you in seeking that ego that
lost ego.
Lord knows that these "skip-shooter
You are self-contradicting yourself out of uncontrollable rage and
seething self-hatred.
If you heard him, the skip was completed. No "wannabe" about it, little
will be converging on that HamFest on
February 22, 2004 at the Richmond
Showplace on Mechanicsville Turnpike, in
Henrico County, Virginia near I-64 East/West.
Probably, as many licensed hammies talk skip and have a love for both
services. If you were capable of HF operation, I wouldn't have to
continue to school you all the time.
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