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Old January 23rd 04, 04:41 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (No=A0No=A0Not=A0George)
(Twistedhed) wrote: Rat shackers with 23 channels
were not illegal,,unless, of course, you hold cbers as the ones who
introduced the channel splicing capablities and band jumping...LOL.

So you mean

I mean only what I posted.

HAMNS introduced the channel splicing

capablities and band jumping.

See what you are capable of when force fed!

Why would hams who could run power and


on dozens of other bands legally want to risk

there licenses running outlaw cb??

Ask any of the thousands that have been busted for running outlaw hammie
stations over the years.

Oh I know you will say they wanted to escape

restriction of hammie radio.

That is what you said.

What restrictions

(shrug) They are *your* restrictions.
Mumbling to yourself outloud isn't the healthiest of traits concerning
sound mental balance.

oh You mean an ID

I mean what I posted. This is getting to be quite fun,,,your learning
disability in full view.

every ten minutes how is

that a big restriction?

You brought it here as a restriction, not I.

You know you are full of ****


=A0I'm not the one hiding like you are...that would make *you" full of
****. You came in to this forum wearing your clogged heart on your
sleeve and had it gutted and handed back to's why you no longer
post your call,,you were made, no, FORCED to go underground and hide
what you were once proud to display, even though you can't learn code.

Tipsey and getting fuller.

Your anger has relegated you once again, not
only to undergrouond status, but back to being
ignored until you can learn how to carry a
conversation without your Tourette Syndrome
coming in to play.