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Old January 24th 04, 12:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Copper Electronics still up to thier same old Rip Off tactics

Same old copper, you buy it, you own it. Try to return something
defective and see what happens. First and most "YOU DID IT" is the
first reply. How they stay in business is beyond me. Before you buy
anything from them, have your head checked by a doctor or do a web
search on them in the google groups. Make sure you have a full pot of
coffee ready cause you gonna be up late reading the massive amounts of
the same "got ripped stories". Some things never change. O, almost
forgot, dont try emailing the boss, he dont want to hear about
anything but incomming cash.
Yours truly, another burned one in a list of many! And dont forget
that the warranty is, well, tiolet paper, if your desperate. course
for all legal considerations I will add that this is my opinion, as
well as many others also.

ps--- that felt good!