JerryO wrote:
There is a difference in interpretation in CB
and ham radio. For the CBer (and this is NOT
some sort of "cut"), people seem to think that
a conversation is about
"winning" some sort of battle via "louder and
prouder" than one's opponent" (?), or having
mo' watts than the other fella, etc.
From the instant a non-cber turns on a cb, to fiddling with it for a few
days,,,,one thing is noticed,,,power is more range on cb, so that is
probably why folks think that way,,,,,it's the way it is.
Amateur Radio is supposed to be about
experimenting, learning how propagation
works, and using power judiciously. Does it
always happen that way? No. Human nature,
being what it is, has a competetive element,
and some operators take that to extreme. And,
yes, the group of CB ops here that I talk to do
it within the law. They aren't interested in BIG
signals all over everywhere; they just want to
talk to their
buddies and that's it.
Propagation can not be controlled. If they want to talk to their
buddies, assuming they are locals, they need wait their turn g (until
the heavy skip is gone).
Plenty of hams run
around 100 watts because it is what the radios
are designed for.
Plenty of cbers run barefoot for the same reason.
For some of us, it just isn't worth all the hassle
and expense to
have a BIG amp when 100 watts will do all
that is needed. With that 100 watts, I have
worked Russia, Estonia, Serbia, Europe, S
Africa, Australia, Hawaii,
and all kinds of S. American countries. Didn't
no BIG WATTS to do it.
NOW you're talking my favorite game,,,low power dx,,,but heck, Jerry, I
long ago grew bored doing the world on 100 watts,,,,it wasn't even a
challenge any more......100 watts for across the pond contact is like
dropping a cluster bomb on citizens
because we're looking for someone who may have done something in the
future to endanger our,,,,,umm,,,,what would he have endangered again,
that had to do with us? You get my drift,,,,overkill : )
Try it with 3, 4 or 5 watt maximum,,,,,then try AM,,,then try FM,,,all
with single digit wattage capacity. When you make that contact across
the deep blue sea, experiment and see just how low you can go with the
wattage and try different modes, antennas, radios, etc.