On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 17:48:22 -0600, Prancer wrote:
AKC Info Line wrote in
See how qick the keyclowns go after
gw, calling him gay, threatening him
with taxi rides, trying to blackmail
him? LOL, such hypocrisy.
Yes Lancer, even went so far as to research google for info on GW. LOL
He found a thread where he thinks they used his name so Lancer calls him
Terry... LOL Hey GW pretty soon they will all call you Terry, just like
they call me George... ROFLMAO. I love how they get thier info
From: Regards, Agent Smith )
Subject: JD HAVRY The Final Word "May Be Dangerous" JJ aka TailGator aka
Radiobuff aka KF4ANC aka leeman aka John aka Kenny aka Brent aka JR aka
BJ aka GH aka ...
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Newsgroups: rec.radio.scanner, rec.radio.amateur.swap,
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Date: 2004-01-03 14:32:18 PST
I did some research and I came up with some of the names he has used
in the past. You can Google for any of them to find out more about his
multiple personalities. This man may be capable of what you claim. He's
armed and claims he has been busted for violent crimes including robbery.
If I
were you I'd contact the authorities and let them deal with it.
LOL, thats funny, never saw that before. Thats not why I called him
Terry, Thats his name, Terry Bull.