Philthydelphia Iggle Fans: You raise your children as neanderthal (OT)
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February 4th 04, 03:22 PM
Posts: n/a
On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 15:15:04 -0500 (EST),
(Twistedhed) wrote:
And some will be criminals. This is what I mean,,this is the mindest of
Philthydelphia,,,,this kind of stuff is not only taught but avidly
defended. Children do not take to violence as a natural act. They are a
product of their environment.
The act was against the law.
So is operating a CB radio on unauthorized
No comparison. One act includes physical violence and forced physical
impositio against another's will.
yet you vehemently attempt to justify your
decision to ignore federal law.
Post it. Ahh,,that's right,,you can't,,as I have never "justified" my
decision to selectively ignore the law regarding to DX and freeband...on
the contrary,,,lids like yourself constantly look to me for validation,
seeking "justification' for what I do,,,that I fail to provide a
satisfactory answer for yourself is paramount to your communication
deficit and hypocitical behavior. As it has always been, I need not
offer any explanation or 'justify" my behavior to you or anyone else
present, but the fact that you need some type validation from myself has
you hallucinating that I offer some sort of explanation to
As long as it doesn't get taken to the extreme
The courts determined long ago this "level" you speak of, and they have
distinguished such behavior as illegal and in violation of the law for
good reason. Forcibly intruding and imposing your will against an
unconsenting individual IS taking it to the "extreme level." Try that on
an educated adult and see where it lands you,,,,,,in the most fortunate
scenario, one may need a physician. In an unfortunate scenario, one may
require an undertaker.
Then again, most educated adults know better than to forcibly place
their unwanted hands on another's person.
Most educated adults realize the importance
of R.F. spectrum management and the
importance of following the federal rules which
govern them.
Again,,no comparison. The fact that you condone the breaking of a law
including physical violence against another while you stand there and
fondle yourself sheepishly and cry about another breaking a law is
entertainment money can't buy.
No comparison to rape, either. The court recognizes such, which is why
the laws and sentencing guidelines differ between the examples you
offer. The acts can not be compared.
=A0=A0They broke the law with their acts, despite you disagreeing with
the law. Many times in the past, condoning the breaking of selective
laws has been vehemently attacked by yourself.
I find it ironic that you would be so quick to
uphold the letter of the law in this case, yet so
easily ignore the law with respect to radio.
This is just another shining example of your
Oh, I'm not upholding any law, as I'm no leo and am not status-starved
like yourself. See Dave, your hypocrisy has you blinded and flailing,
looking to me (self-validation) for something to deflect your blatant
hypocrisy regarding your behavior,,,not mine. The thread wasn't about me
or radio beahvior,,,,in fact, it was clearly marked "OT",,,,yet, the
magic I worlk has you misinterpretating, failing to remain on subject,
and failing in your commmunication attempts.
In case you were wondering, yes, you took the
bait and sprung the trap.....
"Sandbagger" was my post you responded to, not the ohter way around,,of
course, with a deficit as massive as yours, I wouldn't expect anything
else.,,,,,,shore up that deficit,,,fix that and you may gain some
respect for yourself and not need look to others for validation of
The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct
proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong
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