shame on you carolinians for voting for that rip off lawyer
shame on you south carolina. shame , shame, shame. voting for a trial
lawyer for president of the united states who has no policy ideas , no
experience, and no ethics.........way to go........this man got very
wealthy suing the tobacco companies for the state supposedly. the
state was supposed to use the money for medical expenses associated
with smoking, .......yeh right.....which i bet they are
now he wants to be president......just like that..........this man
should not be president of the school board, much less anything of
importance......he has no message.......just bull****......when are
the american people going to wake up.??? don't forget this south
carolina......i would assume that many in the carolinas make or used
to make their living off of tobacco products.....i know....some of my
relatives live there......and so now a guy who practically put your
own people out of business, is now wanting your vote and just because
he is from south carolina you vote for why don't you people
wake up......