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Old February 7th 04, 09:03 AM
Posts: n/a

(Richard Cranium) wrote in message . com...
Egg McMuffin wrote in message ...
Listen up you limp wristed keyqueenz GW has
been accepted by AKC and given a field
commission. News of his recruitement did
not reach N8WWM because frankly N8 is
too busy to keep up with **** in this newsgroup.
Do you think he sits around all day reading
crap in here like you do? No he is busy with
major projects like the Pacetronics bust and
survellance at keyclown events as well as
advising eBay and Yahoo auctions about
leyclown gear. He leaves the day to day
policing of you keyqueenz to us. Naturally
news of GWs defection hasnt reached him
yet but I would not be surprised if N8 reminded
us that all ex-keyclowns must be on a probationary
period of at least 6 weeks Prozac went through it
and he can tell you it was for security reasons
as well as the safety of AKC. As you all know GW
made the right choice because recently Frank
outed TwistyDave and N8 helped bust Pacetronics
plus Steveo is being brought down by forces from
other newsgroups so 2004 is going to be a great
year for the AKC!
Article poste via Voila News -
Le : Fri Feb 6 07:24:38 2004 depuis l'IP : [VIP 532284301978]

Hey Georgie-girl: N8 couldn't bust a nut if he had to, let alone
Pacetronics. Neither could you, you French-posting coward!

All DouGay ever does is sit on his blubber-butt and spam the
newsagroup. Just like you, Georgie-girl. You both should grow up.

Frank didn't "out" anything but his own stupidity. Where's the proof
that Twist is "Dave"? Hasn't been posted yet.

2004 is going to be a great year, but not for the AKC. What a bunch of

Section 2.815(b) of
the Commission's Rules prohibits the marketing of External Radio Frequency
Power Amplifiers (or amplifier kits) capable of operation on any frequency
or frequencies between 24 and 35 MHz.