Seroquel/Strattera mix working for now..
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February 8th 04, 04:18 AM
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Seroquel/Strattera mix working for now..
(Don W. McCollough) wrote:
medina_mopo wrote in message
Don W. McCollough wrote:
"Mid" wrote in message
Well I was raised to 200 mg of Seroquel at night and 120 mg of
Strattera in the morning accompanied by 100mg of Zoloft in the
morning also. The seroquel puts me to sleep but it also has a lasting
affect that muffles my anxiety powerfully throughout the day. It
leaves me groggy in the morning though ...that is till I swoosh down
my morning Strattera with several cups of coffee. You might wonder
why someone with anxiety problems would drink coffee? I wonder also,
but it seems to work to balance out the Seroquel/Strattera mix. Its
hard to get the right levels going in my system but now by noon I am
awake, sharp and astute due to the Strattera but with no anxiety or
unreasonable thoughts due to the lasting affects of the Seroquel.
So here is the concern. Is this a healthy mix? It feels like I am
just taking downers at night and uppers in the morning. And when the
night draws near the time to take my Seroquel, I can hardly
wait...almost like I crave it already....probably because I know it
will keep the horrible anxiety away and keep my mood from going bad.
My mind is already creating unreasonable fears that the drugs will
take over and make me go nuts or something one day.
I have no long term studies of these drugs to look at. So , I am
wondering if anyone else has this mix and how they are doing on it.
I'm glad that these medications are having effect on you. I took
Strattera for a few weeks and it, ironically, made me depressed. My
combination was Zyprexa and Strattera ( along with Klonopin ). Don't
know that much about Seroquel. But the combo of meds you're on
sounds good and healthy. You're really not using heavy duty uppers
and downers, but very precise manipulators of Dopamine (highs) and
norepinephrine (lows). Strattera is a really cool new drug for ADD.
The Zoloft can lift your spirit I've heard, though I never been
helped with it.
You were asked to take Zyprexa as well as Klonopin at the same time?
Does the Strattera impact on dopamine? What is ADD?
I take both Zyprexa and Klonopin. The Klonopin is for my headaches.
The Zyprexa is for my thoughts.
Strattera acts to increase norepinephrine in the brain. Apparently,
some people
gain the ability to focus mentally when taking Strattera.
ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder. Strattera is marketed for the
treatment of ADD.
Take a few thousand of them at once, Staintard.
Flyin' Ryan Newman
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