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Old February 8th 04, 02:11 PM
Chim Bubba
Posts: n/a

I hear you have a new recruit and his name is gw...
How sad! What happened gw?
Anyway back to the business at hand
Been too busy to post but just to keep the antigirls and dare I say
pro gay guys happy, many amps sold since Christmas time and as of
yesterdau 3 amps sold. I know that it bothers anti guys but hey that
is the real world for ya. You once asked me to post an amp here I
guess I could but why? I do so well just selling them off the air
waves. You know cb radio, THE REAL WORLD!!!
That is the place that you antiguys dont EXIST!!!!!!!
Too damn funny!!!
OK now I am ready for some gay jokes, racial jokes or mother and wife
jokes now. Fire away invisible boys...