Duke Of Windsor wrote:
Sure it does you have meade mention of it, no need to remind me of
anything I know what I say, i also have a stalker in the group who
counts everyname i use. Just trying to help him out
I don't mention it for you, Georgie Porgie. I mention it for the other
readers. Perhaps they do not know about looking at headers and seeing who
is who.
Legally? You forged Steve.
Post the law I broke.
It is called identity theft. Here is how the FBI classifies it:
E-mail Spoofing - The forgery of an e-mail header so that the message
appears to
have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source.
You used his name and address in one of
your spoofs.
Really do you know if that info is true?
Do you think he has ever used anyones name or callsign?
Or dont you care nitwit?
I would go with don't know and don't care - we are talking about what *YOU*
That's actually a felony.
Post the law so i can laugh
Already did, ****tard. And if Steve is ****ed enough to report you, you
won't be laughing long. Lots of folks will laugh. I will laugh. But you
will not laugh when they confiscate your stupid PC and nail you with some
criminal charge of identity theft. You really don't get it - do you
****tard? Read how the FBI defines it again, moron: "E-mail Spoofing -
The forgery of an e-mail header so that the message appears to have
originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source." The
FBI isn't gonna care if you thought it was funny, I thought it was funny,
or Steve thought it was funny. You used "Steve Parks" in your headers,
dumbass. You even used "Medina" in those same headers. Name and Address.
You ****ed up. What you thought was funny and innocent is in fact a ****ing
felony, you complete horses ass.
If you do not give a **** what the FBI thinks, take a look at your own
state, moron.
http://101-identitytheft.com/ I am tired of being your
denmother and making you understand this ****, you moron. You need to
stop spoofing Steve's name and address. If you don't, you will get
arrested and possibly even do jail time. At best, you are going to get
fisted with a fine and once that happens the conviction will be enough for
Steve to sue you and for the judge to say that it is not a frivolous
And Steve, if you are reading this - I am sending you a map output of the
trace from my house to his house last night. I didn't want to cross any
legal lines and gain entry to his PC - this is all legal and on the up and
up. Just pinged his box based on the X-trace from his house to the NNTP
I never do that, Effeminate Georgie Porgie.
you have since your entrance to the group and since you made up your
name last week. btw, my name is not george but if you like you can
call me that, all the guys in the group do.
I do not need your permission, Effeminate Georgie Porgie.
Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts?