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Old February 9th 04, 06:32 PM
Richard Cranium
Posts: n/a

Frank Gilliland wrote in message . ..
In ,
(Richard Cranium) wrote:

(PACETRONIC SLAPPA!)(DouGay Adair N8WWM) wrote in message . com...
Rat out 20 auctions daily...And keep track of them by auction number.
Report all 20 daily in this NG. Let the dick eaters know we mean it.

Sure; and your free avdertising will ensure that most of the items are
sold whether you like it or not, dickeater!

Someone take on Yahoo and keep pounding. We WILL win.

How could a loser like you ever hope to win?

Didn't that line come from a BeeGee's tune? Better be careful, Clyde, or Peter
will sue you on behalf of the brothers Gibb for copyright infringement!

"20 auctions a day keeps fagboys at bay"

It will certainly keep you fagboys busy!

Didn't I tell you to crawl back in your hole? What's taking you so long?

Like I'm going to do what you say? Dream on. Maybe you should spend
more time taking care of your failing business and less time TROLLing
the UseNet?

BTW, where's the proof you claim to have about Twist being someone
called "Dave"? You're the one who made the claim, where's the proof?
Can't post it, huh? Didn't think so.