Tampa Area Crimes Being Comitted?
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February 9th 04, 10:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Twistedhed ) wrote:
And I'm STILL,,,breakin' the law around Tampa Bay,,and there ain't
nuthin' you can do about it except .......cry.
What kind of person goes on usenet and
publicly brags that he breaks the law?
One that is tired of patholcogical lairs like yourself and one that
finally decided to force you to be honest, for once...LOL. See, you
claimed on many occasion I have "bragged" about breaking the law, and so
did Hall and Gillinad,,,only it never occurred. So I decided I *would*
brag about my dx, if only to rub your nose in it a bit more than has
already occurred, and in the mean time, make your future claims about me
bragging about dx, true, instead of malicious lies that WA3MOJ is
desperately in search of for malicious intent. Hey mopar, you indeed
have a case against Geogre for impersonation via electronic and
fraudulent means with intent to malign and defame..feel free to contact
me if the need arises....
The people in Tampa need to know about this
and the local cops need to know too.
In the first manner, the people of Tampa don't give a damn about my dx
action, only that I provide Reel Big Fish.
He doesnt say how he is breaking the law
Thats right,,I didn't.,,until now.
but it could be anything,
And it could be
robbery rape, drugs, anything. If I were a
citizen of Tampa I would be concerned about
this guy.
The citizens of Tampa Bay do not share your double digit IQ.
The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct
proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong
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