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Old February 10th 04, 04:11 PM
Posts: n/a

(Tiredoftheflames) wrote in message ...
Could you guys give it a rest?

How about a truce?

George pick out one thing you'd like Steve to agree to.

Steve pick out one thing you'd like George to agree to.

These must be REALISTIC things (in other words, you can't ask the other guy to
agree to **** off and die, etc)


•George will not call Steve gay, homo, or anything equivalent.


•Steve will not call George George, WA3MOJ or anything equivalent.


•George will not use the word ass.


•Steve will not threaten violence.

Etc. Etc.

Each guy pick ONE and shake hands on it.

Agreement will be binding for 10 days.

You can always go back to flaming after the time is up, but hopefully not.

Come on fellas! Let's get back to CB!

This NG does just what the AKC wants, nothing more. You get back to CB
on the CB itself if you want. Until we say different this is our NG
and you can't do a damned thing about it. Just ask the faggot ass cum
sucker ****hed. She has tried for a long time. Her continuing failure
has made her a punchclown and a gay ****toy for the whole internet.

The likelihood of ****hed being queer increases in a direct
proportion to the intensity with which others try keep their kids away
from his dick licking ass.