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February 12th 04, 10:05 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
"Braìnbuster" wrote in message
Frank Gilliland wrote in message ...
What laws are they breaking?
I guess Frank didn't go to the website that the picture was stolen from.
He would have read that all material either written or displayed is
copyrighted. They say right on the site that you needed express
permission to reproduce or display their material.
LOL...Frank doesn't know what that means,,,he calimed that merely
because it SAYS it is copyrighted, doesn't necessitate it IS
Dave, you have the comprehension of a moldy kumquat. A copyright, just like any
other right, has limitations. Let's see if you can overcome your communication
deficit long enough to read and understand the link I posted in my reply to
Peter the Hypocrite:
And since you want to dip your wick into this thread, maybe you can answer the
question that's fogging up Peter's reading glasses. Or maybe not.
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