Feedline length will be important.
IMO, use a 1:1 balun/choke at the tuner output.
Please excuse my ignorance, on this one, but why would you need a balun
after an antenna coupler?
Larry ve3fxq
"W5DXP" wrote in message
Ken Bessler wrote:
Should I feed it with 300 ohm HD twinlead, 450 ohm ladder line with or
without a Bal-Un or rg58 coax with or without a Balun?
If you want to approach the limits of efficiency, feed it with open-wire
line, usually around a Z0 of 600 ohms. Feedline length will be important.
IMO, use a 1:1 balun/choke at the tuner output.
73, Cecil http://www.qsl.net/w5dxp
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