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Old February 13th 04, 03:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Frank Gilliland wrote:
In , Time To Go, TwistyDave

Every few months or so Twistidave needs
to be put back in his place like pest
control he posts his crazy **** and lies
on top of lies until some people start
believeing him or actually taking him
seriously so Frank waits until it the
**** builds up to a high stink and then he
drops a reminder of who Twisti really is and
what he's said and done in the past that
make him an authentic nutbag. Time for
Twisted to waddle off into the sunset
and say sayaonara, his goose is overcooked.

It's not a difficult task when the subject is the type of person who cheats
while playing solitaire and blames the cards when he loses.

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ignore him frank. less flames that way...