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Old February 17th 04, 01:05 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a

What they need to do is treat it as terrorism. Shot fired - as the gunman
calmly walks to his vehicle, alarms go off. 30 seconds later, fighters are
in the air. I can hear the conversation now - "pilot to squad leader. You
said 'track him?'. Sorry, sir. I thought you said splash him". One laser
guided missile up his tailpipe. Pure accident, of course. It might take a
couple of tries to catch him clear of traffic, but just one ... and let's
see who wants to be the next sniper. LOL. Then again, maybe one of those
gunboat military choppers. Something that can fire several hundred times
faster than he can.

73 from Rochester, NY

"Dave or Debby" wrote in message
A few months ago, while driving through the SNIPER'S DOMAIN AREA on
the South side of Columbus, Ohio, I SAID on the CB: "I wonder if the
sniper is SMART ENOUGH to NOT shoot @ anyone with a CB antenna !

I heard that even BIG TRUCKS got shot at too! When Debby went through
there a couple of months ago, I told her that IF she gets shot at, get
on the CB FIRST, and THEN the cell phone. It would get more people to
help catch the MURDERER first IF people on the CB were notified first!

Within the last week I went through there again. A car ahead of me
was shining his bright lights (it was dark) on the overpasses he went
under. I started doing the same thing too. I set my cell phone on
911 ahead of time, so I just hit one button to call !

Sniper will get caught soon. He is too brazen now, doing it in the
daylight. He went south on 71 to the 71 mile marker overpass. He hit
a guy's car on the way to Church a few weeks ago. The Lord protected
him and me in this Deut. 28 land!

Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! =-----

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