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Old February 17th 04, 08:26 AM
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Duke Of Windsor wrote in message ...
"Braìnbuster" wrote in

I doubt the Akcers would link to the page

You really should get to know what the other sockos are doing...

: From: Citizens For A Keyclown-Free Newsgroup )
: Subject: OT- browser
: Newsgroups:
: Date: 2003-10-10 16:39:22 PST
: Here is one of his web sites....

: From: M'aar Kbeck'iz Ahgaiboi )
: Subject: Funny CB Pages! LOOK!
: Newsgroups:
: Date: 2003-06-18 11:58:08 PST
: Two funny American CB sites both created by the same great Britishauthor!

He seems to suggest that the sites are "funny" and the author is "great".
is that promotion or what?
Your buddy "I Am Not George" even posted it in other newsgroups...

I Am Not George cross-posted in message

The message was sent to:

As it was, the site probably got just a few hits from people in this
newsgroup who already know about what goes on in this group and
had already made up their mind what they believe.
The site had probably past it's peak and, with little new content,
would have been in the "decline" stage. So, your buddy posts it in other
groups so a whole new bunch of visitors, who were blissfully unaware of
what happens here, can take a look.
Having taken a look, they may then pass the URL on to friends, relatives
and other newsgroups.

If the site gets plenty of visitors, and gains "cult" status, you only have
him to blame.
Strangely, he does NOT appear to be mentioned on the site, although many
of those you call "keyclowns" are... AND he is promoting it in other