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Old July 12th 03, 05:09 PM
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Richard Harrison wrote:
Cecil, W5DXP wrote:
"They", above, are reflected waves. The two waves traveling in the other
direction are forward waves."

Forward waves? Being, I suppose, a voltage wave and a current wave, as
it is impossible to have two voltage waves or two current waves of
identical frequency traveling in the same direction on the same line.
Two identical frequency waves, voltage or current, form a resultant and
merge. They can`t maintain a separate existence and become inseparable
in a single waveform.

Of course they superpose. In the s-parameter equation, b1=s11*a1+s12*a2,
those two reflected waves superpose to b1. In the s-parameter equation,
b2=s21*a1+s22*a2, those two forward waves superpose to b2. They superpose
at the point where they both appear together for the first time.

But the point is that s11*a1 and s12*a2 are flowing in the direction
of the source when they cancel (interfere destructively). s21*a1 and
s22*a2 are flowing in the direction of the load when they interfere
73, Cecil

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