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Old February 19th 04, 06:28 PM
Otto Von Brassplate
Posts: n/a

Just go to 14.313 mHz. USB in the 20 Meter Ham Band any weekend
during daytime hours. Several of the better-known posters in this
NG hang out there and stir the **** up on an hourly basis, especially
when "dumbass donnie" in in there from his alleged mobile.............

It's called: Live Entertainment - 14.313

"Dave or Debby" wrote in message
I bin gone for almost a month, and I look on my CB newsGroup, and what
do I see? More hate & discontent than is on my CB RADIO ! IS this
possible ? !

Looks like the ones with the brains are laying back, while the morons
ramble on. I heard on the news a month ago or so, that IF SPAM
continues at it's rate then, then e mail will be totally USELESS in 5
years. It is USELESS already. This NG is getting more useless DAILY,
compared to the GOOD OLD DAYZ in '97 when I first came on it.

I guess that we can improve it by putting MORE technical articles on
it about CB's about what us GOOD CB shops see out here. Modulation
kit installers need not post! You BUTCHER CHOP SHOPS are STILL the
WORST places to got to IN DA LAND, 4-10 ! AIN'T NO DOUBT !

When I hear YOU BUTCHERS advertise on the CB, this IS what you should
really say instead: "The CB BUTCHER CHOP SHOP is NOW OPEN. As
usual, the CB Butcher CHOP SHOP is always ready to RIP YOU DRIVERS OFF
with all of our corporate thievery training to get deep into yo
wallet! And you will be the WORSE OFF for comming to the butcher CHOP
SHOP. As usual there is never a charge to check your radio. This is
how we get you in da door to RIP YOU OFF some mow! Go down to Channel
14 for the CB Butcher CHOP SHOP !"

Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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