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Old February 24th 04, 03:36 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Leland=A0C.=A0Scott)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
t... So who here has
ever "messed" with ten meters, in the context you offer,
besides Geogre and Lelnad?

Sour grapes hey Twirted?

Dunno why you choose to do the things you do, Lelnad. Your attempts at
jamming on the freeband is much more than "sour grapes", Lelnad, It's a
character flaw,,,a defect.

Since the sun-spot cycle is in a downward

trend the 11m DX is going in to the crapper

and the only fun to be had is on the Ham


That most certainly isn't true. There are many areas of the spectrum to
which "fun" can be had. You're not familiar with such areas as you can't
go there per your inability to learn code,,,but as always,,,lol,,,the
rest of the world do not suffer the ailments that you repeatedly
demonstrate is the reason for keeping you down.

where you can't play.

LOL,,,,you're talking out both sides of your pie-hole again. Check your
anger problem at the door and you won't come across with the lying
jackass reputation you have solidified for yourself.
Leland C. Scott


ARRL Member

NCI Member

Choker chain too tight, Lelnad? Like Davie,,neither of you are
around,,,until you're told to come....see, these are things you do time
and time again, only you haven't figured out yet how to take back
control of your own behavior. You showed what a coward you are by
threatening me and telling me I was a "dead fish". Have you had success
with the wagon these days, Lelnad, or have you fallen off yet again? If
I am correct, and I believe I am, one who received a DUI isn't owed any
slack when it comes to an alcohol problem such as yours.
Stop blaming the rest of the world for your own alcoholism. You are
responsible for ruining your own reputation, not those you attack and
blame for all your misery.

The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct
proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong