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Old March 2nd 04, 11:47 PM
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From: (Jerry)
Comments below:
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
... From:
(I Am Not George)
(Twistedhed) wrote in message
Bill Oglesby, 60, a licensed amateur ham radio operator for 45 years, is
one of two internal club investigators who police members when
transmission interference complaints occur.
notice the hams police themselves.

(Ham clubs do not "police" anybody. Invidual hams *may* take advantage
of the club's help when faced with
such a situation.)


The "concept" WAS noticed. In reality, it never took hold,,the concept
was and continues to be failure. The mere existence of the Rain report
is testament.

(The RainReport is testament to the ARRL and individual hams' BEGGING
AND PLEADING FOR enforcement, not some HAHAHA=3D=3Dlook what happened to a=
those bad "hammies".)

Perhaps the inception of the rain report was the result of pleading and
begging, but the fact that it exists at all is testament that hammies
can not police themselves effectively, otherwise no rainreport would
exist. The rain report is merely illustrated in contrast to your
continual and redundant posts concerning cber's getting popped that have
nothing to do with any on this board,,such as intrusion upon ten fact, the record reflects that there have been many more
nocodes and hammies popped for "intruding" 10 meter where they do not
belong. Of interesting note is that you, JerryO, feel the mere mention
of the rain report is somehow a "haha", some self-introspect and a look
at your posts concerning cbers getting popped may shed some light on
these feelings you aer experiencing, as the rain report, again, is
mentioned only as a counterance to your initial claims and posts
concerning cbers getting popped. Make no mistake, there is no problem
you bringing such information forward, as it promotes discussion, but to
cry foul when the same is illustrated of hammies, illustrates a view you
are unable to see, or worse,,,unwilling.

I know it is a concept difficult for you to grasp,
but we A S K E D for enforcement for years

prior to Mr. Hollingsworth being assigned to

the task.

What elite group do you speak of belonging that feels Hollingsworth
appointment is a dificult concept to comprehend?

The RainReport began as a weekly report of

enforcement actions that were sorely needed.

NO one of us, despite your attempts to make

some invalid comparison between

the problems that face CB and/or Amateur

Radio, ever said any different.

My attempts? You are the scoundrel who has constantly tried in continual
failure to draw some sort of connection between this group and truckers
intruding on ten meters and actions by the feds against radio ops, when
in fact, it has been shown, the FCC record reflects that N8WWM, nocode
unremarkable, was popped by the FCC for conduct unbecoming a hammie
(breaking federal law, according to the Gillinad, Hall, Lelnad, and
Geogre). You're being extremely dishonest, Jerry.

Those outlaw ops, be he ham CBer, deserves

what he gets In fact, Darrell Duckworth's

reports are weeks apart at times. Lots of these
reports, both on Rain, ARRL and AR Newsline
are filled with citations to power companies for
interference TO hams, not the other around.

Who said anything otherwise, Jerry? Again, you are attempting to convey
an intentionally dishonest message with your comment "not the other way
around". You appear to need a vacation, Jerry.

Warnings to hams continues to decline as the

"bad" ops realize that they WILL be punished

for their misdeeds.

Is that what you believe? That the warnings are declining because
behavior is changing out of fear of the FCC?
pirate radio some time to find out just how fearful this factor you
speak of is recognized. No doubt, you will have an entire new cause to
go after, after all, these broadcasts make your truckdriving ten meter
bandits citizen-of-the-year.

try and get

a keyclown to even answer the door if he is

interfering with someoneROTFLMAO


=A0You need make yourself more clear and use terms that are in the
English dictionary and recognized as legitimate speech. Making up words
and expecting others to acknowledge your baby-speak is what toddlers do
when faced with a situation in which they have not the intellect to
express themselves accordingly.

One who reads the article finds that the

problem lies with cheap Part 15 consumer

electronics, and NOT with the ham, who

appears in the article, to be operating

completely within his legal parameters. These


have a sticker that state that said electronics

must accept interference from other

sources---such as a legal Amateur OR CB

radio. As long as the ham or CBer is operating
his station legally, there isn't much the

consumer can do. It is, however, just good

sense and public relations to do all one can to

help the neighbor. I've done it. People

complain because they have never read that

sticker and are quick to yell simply because

they don't know any better. And, of course, it

is human nature to point at the other fella.

After all, it can't be *ME* that is wrong.


You're preaching to the choir, Jerry,,and of course, Jerry Oxendine
could not possibly be wrong. Never mind I posted nothing but a link to
the story,,,never mind I made no comments concerning the interference
one way or another, but you go ahead and claim that it's a "haha" by the
mere posting of the link,,,,,and you go on posting your links and posts
concerning cbers getting popped which are somehow "different", and not
to be construed in the same manner the hammie busts are presented.
Jerry,,,thou are a master hypocrite.